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You can code your strategies using the languages you are familiar with: JavaScript and Python. Those standard languages where extended to account for Algodab specific features, like managing the symbols in the grid, alerts, orders, etc. etc, even speech. The full API reference is below. At the moment only JavaScript and Python languages are supported, I am looking into adding support for others, PHP anyone?

This documentation contains code examples where you can select the language of your choice.

// get a reference to a symbol we're tracking in the grid
var AMC = Positions.get("AMC");
// Now we can test and apply some logic according to the current state of AMC
if (AMC.currentPrice < AMC.dayHigh>)"Buy AMC?");

Add Markdown or React files to src/pages to create a standalone page:

  • src/pages/index.js -> localhost:3000/
  • src/pages/ -> localhost:3000/foo
  • src/pages/foo/bar.js -> localhost:3000/foo/bar

Create your first React Page#

Create a file at src/pages/my-react-page.js:

import React from 'react';
import Layout from '@theme/Layout';
export default function MyReactPage() {
return (
<h1>My React page</h1>
<p>This is a React page</p>

A new page is now available at http://localhost:3000/my-react-page.

Create your first Markdown Page#

Create a file at src/pages/

# My Markdown page
This is a Markdown page

A new page is now available at http://localhost:3000/my-markdown-page.