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A complete self-hosted server + IDE stack for trading stocks and crypto with code.

Project update for:  Summer 2024
Run your own trading bot on your own server at home or the office

Run your own trading bot on your own server at home or the office

Your secret sauce is safe when you run your own Algodab server, where only you have physical access to the machine, and you're not hindered by third party resource limits.
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Watch your algos perform in real-time

Watch your algos perform in real-time

Built-in code editor allows you to write and watch your trading code perform in real-time: render signals, chart annotations, vocalized alerts, real-time metrics, etc.

Redundant data feeds with support for multiple brokers and multiple data streams...

Redundant data feeds with support for multiple brokers and multiple data streams...

Extensible and redundant architecture provides support for aggregated data from multiple brokers and multiple data streams, running multiple algorithms simultenaously.

Live or paper trading

Live or paper trading

Run fully on autopilot or with as much or as little supervision as required by your comfort levels.

Code in JavaScript and Python simultaneously

Code in JavaScript and Python simultaneously

Code strategies using a combination of languages you are already familiar with.

Real-time metrics and statistics

Real-time metrics and statistics

Monitor your server's health and performace with built-in metrics: cpu and memory usage, task execution time, data write latencies, system resources, and more.

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